1·Heavy investment in education is also essential.
2·At present, the problem facing children room of Nanhai library is: heavy investment, few readers and low efficiency.
3·Like other complicated high-tech projects, aviation project demands high innovative; heavy investment and long research period.
4·With heavy investment in the transfer market this summer Rafael Benítez is under even more pressure to deliver the Premier League for the first time.
5·Geely has taken some sensible steps recently. Heavy investment in research and development and bringing in top auto executives from overseas seem to be paying off.
6·But today heavy industry makes modern bosses shudder: all those assets, the blue-collar workers, the investment, are regarded as risks to be spun off, outsourced or dumped.
7·And China's heavy reliance on exports and foreign investment ensures that the uncertainties now afflicting the global economy are haunting the Chinese as well.
8·I need the money because I lost out in a pyramid investment scam. After the operation I won't be able to lift heavy things, but I can still live with only one kidney.
9·The economic downturn threatens to expose some of Singapore's vulnerabilities, including a wide gap be - tween rich and poor and a heavy dependence on foreign investment for growth.
10·BOT way will make heavy contribution as one international current investment and financing way and management mode for infrastructure construction and project management of our country.